Comment/Check Box/Watermark stating the Ingoing Report closed as tenant failed to return in time

1 votes

Adding check box, a final comment box or even a watermark on the tenant side of the paperless ingoing report so something clearly stating "the report was issued but tenant failed to complete and return in required timeframe therefore Agent copy is deemed to be accepted by tenant".
Its important to have this noted somewhere on the report as down track when tenant vacates, there is nothing for the PM to be certain that it is a properly finalised document. Being able to prove it was sent as a paperless document becomes particularly important when needed for SACAT. It would eliminate any doubt as to the validity of the report and explain without question why there isn't any tenant recorded info or signature on it.

Open for voting Suggested by: Rachel Andersson Upvoted: 26 Aug, '22 Comments: 0

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